Welcome to The Inclusivity Project :: Mission to ensure enrichment of the Knowledge and Information
The Inclusivity Project (TIP) advocates for the rights of communities discriminated on work and descent (CDWD) and raise awareness on their issues. TIP works towards enhancing the social, economic, and political integration and increasing the visibility of CDWD at the national, regional and global platforms. TIP works on the sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially on the monitoring and follow-up/review, and providing data and evidence for the nation-state for effective and inclusive programme implementation.
We’re here to support you every step of the way.
Welcome to The Inclusivity Project
including countries in South Asia, South America, Africa, and Europe
UN Regions Union of Africa, Asia Pacific (UN ESCAP Economic Social Commission for the Asia Pacific), Latin America (UN ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean), and Western Europe
UN HLPF, UN HRC, and other relevant UN agencies and bodies.
Help Discriminated People