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Casting light on SGD 16 & 17, anticipating the potential of “Pact for the Future” for LGBTQI+ individuals and Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) to realize our full potential

Hybrid: Offline-United Nation Conference Room F Online: Zoom United Nation Head Quaters, New York

2024 High-Level Political Forum  LGBTI Stakeholder Group and the Stakeholder Group of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent. The LGBTI Stakeholder Group and the Stakeholder Group of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (SG-CDWD),   invite you to a joint side event on the margins of the annual High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).  Around the […]

UN Declaration: A CDWD Symposium

PRCC Hall 233

Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD), including but not limited to Dalit, Roma, Quilombola, and Haratine communities, face systemic discrimination and marginalization across the world. CDWD are the people directly affected by Discrimination based on Work and Descent (DWD). They continue to face extreme forms of isolation and discrimination, which acts as an obstacle […]

Good Practices and Challenges in the 2030 Agenda – Showcasing ongoing inclusive strategies of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent

Hybrid: Offline-United Nation Conference Room F Online: Zoom United Nation Head Quaters, New York

For registration : The Permanent Mission of Nepal to the UN in New York together with the Permanent Mission of North Macedonia, Permanent Mission of Canada (TBC) and the Permanent Missions of Austria, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Ivory Coast, Gambia (TBC) and UN Women (Racial Justice) are delighted to co-organize a HLPF 2024 side event […]