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Antigypsyism refers to the specific racism directed at Roma, Sinti, Travellers, and others labelled as “gypsies” in the public mind. While gaining some institutional recognition, its full scope and implications are not yet widely understood. Often, the term is limited to negative stereotypes or hate speech, but it encompasses a far broader range of discriminatory practices—both visible and hidden. It’s not just about what is said but also what is done, or not done, to address it. A clearer understanding of its impact is essential.

Importantly, antigypsyism is not a “minority issue”; it stems from how mainstream society views and treats those they stigmatize. To effectively combat it, the focus must shift to these broader societal attitudes, while also amplifying the voices of those affected and often silenced by this form of racism.

Contrary to popular belief, antigypsyism is not a result of the living conditions many Roma endure, nor is it due to perceived cultural differences. The idea that Roma integration alone can solve this issue is misleading, as it misinterprets the root cause. While addressing issues like poverty, education, and housing is important, these efforts won’t eradicate antigypsyism itself.

What makes antigypsyism particularly insidious is its high level of social acceptance. Unlike other forms of racism, antigypsyist views and actions are often seen as reasonable or justified. This widespread and deeply entrenched bias makes confronting antigypsyism both urgent and difficult. Without directly addressing this pervasive prejudice, efforts at Roma inclusion will remain superficial.