Welcome to The Inclusivity Project :: Mission to ensure enrichment of the Knowledge and Information
is to ensure enrichment of the knowledge and information resources about the unreached and under developed communities through research and capacity building for their socio-economic and political development.
Welcome to The Inclusivity Project
including countries in South Asia, South America, Africa, and Europe
UN Regions Union of Africa, Asia Pacific (UN ESCAP Economic Social Commission for the Asia Pacific), Latin America (UN ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean), and Western Europe
UN HLPF, UN HRC, and other relevant UN agencies and bodies.
The Inclusivity Project
Towards conducting research on the global communities who are under represented in the developmental discussions and to bring attention of the respective authorities on the question of equal, effective and inclusive participation.
Towards providing academic and capacity support to the communities from these areas for greater exposure to the developmental mechanisms and intergovernmental organisations.
Towards building capacities of such community organisations and individuals through trainings and focused group discussions as well as exposure visits for ensuring them for taking participation and enabling their leadership for just and effective developmental planning and public policy programs.
We’re here to support you every step of the way.
The Inclusivity Project (TIP) is a non-profit organization founded to advocate for the rights of communities discriminated on work and descent (CDWD) and raise awareness on their issue. TIP works towards Capacity Building, Collaboration, and Research to support CDWD communities by enhancing the Social, Economic, and Political Integration and increasing their visibility at the National, Regional and Global platforms. ...read more
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TIP works towards enhancing the Social, Economic, and Political integration and increasing the visibility of CDWD at the National, Regional and Global platforms.
Have any question about donation? Call us now: +91.9910046813
TIP advocates for the rights of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) and raise awareness on their issues.
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